A gluten-free chicken schnitzel that is easy to make and kids friendly.
- 1 pasture-raised chicken breast (about 4, 5oz)
- 1 pastured egg
- 3 tbsp almond flour (for a nut-free version replace with tigernut)
- 3 tbsp cassava flour
- avocado oil or olive oil for frying
- salt and pepper to taste
- other chicken spices, optional
- Prepare a frying or sauteeing pan with a generous amount of oil, but it will only be shallow frying, so not too much. Heat on medium.
- Slice the chicken so you have 2 or three equal thickness parts and pound each piece in between two parchment paper sheets (you can do it without but I imagine there are things splashing out from the chicken and I don’t like that). Season with salt and pepper on both sides.
- Wisk one egg in a deep plate, season with salt and pepper (you can add another egg if you run out).
- On another plate add the two flours and mix them well. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.
- Prepare a frying pan with avocado oil, on medium heat.
- Coat the chicken on each side with flour, then dip in the beaten eggs, then coat again with flour (it’s a great idea to handle the pieces with two forks because if you touch it with your hands, clumps will be formed).
- Dip the chicken again in egg before adding to the heated pan. Fry on each side for a few minutes, until golden, light brown. Take out on a paper towel to absorb the extra oil.
Eat warm or cold, add it to salads or bento meals, it goes really well with cabbage salad or coleslaw, or umami sauce. Perfect for your kids’ launch box. Goes well with mashed sweet potato and steamed broccoli.