Healthy Homemade Dog Food Meal Prep

Healthy Homemade Dog Food Meal Prep

Heavily processed foods are not good for humans and not good for animals. And store-bought pet food contains so many ingredients that are not natural for dog diets, such as grains.

Dogs need protein

Dogs need protein

Dogs are omnivores and should be fed meat and fish regularly. Besides pork, animal protein can also be fed raw, and poultry is particularly suitable for dog diets.

Foods considered NOT safe for dogs

Foods considered NOT safe for dogs

- Avocado, eggplant,   tomatoes, potatoes   (cooked potatoes are fine) - Legumes - Grapes, raisins - Leeks, onions, garlic - Paprika and paprika   spices, mushrooms,   pepper, chili - Raw pork (cooked is fine) - Sugar, sweets, chocolate,   cacao, coffee, alcohol

The anatomy of a dog's meal

The anatomy of a dog's meal

The homemade dog food should consist of the following parts: 2 parts of meat; 1 part low lectin carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, parsnip, or millet; 1 part vegetables and fruits, oils, herbs, a multivitamin & mineral supplement mix.

What you need for dog food meal prep


- Mixed meat: chicken meat,   chicken feet, gizzard, beef   liver - sweet potatoes - broccoli heads - good quality salt - Water - Spinach - Extra virgin olive oil


A big soup pot for cooking and reusable containers for storage.


Add the meat, sweet potatoes and broccoli to a 12qt soup pot and cover with water.

Add ingredients


Boil until the potato is cooked, about 20-30 minutes (remember, the potato needs to be well cooked).

Cook ingredients


Prepare your storage containers and add a handful of spinach to each container.

Prepare containers


When the soup is ready, let it cool a little bit as you don't want to add a too hot content to plastic containers.

Cool soup


Fill containers. Once filled, let cool completely, cover and freeze (don't forget to leave a little space as the volume will increase when frozen).

Fill containers


Take out and thaw in the fridge a day in advance. Drizzle some healthy oil, and add a food topper such as a multivitamin & mineral supplement mix.

Feed your dog

Tap the link below for full recipe and more dog diet tips and tricks

Tap the link below for full recipe and more dog diet tips and tricks